• Secretary-General's Cabinet
  • Arab Affairs & National Security
  • International Political Affairs
  • Legal Affairs
  • Economic Affairs
  • Social Affairs
  • Media & Communication
  • Administrative & Finance
  • Financial Auditing
  • Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries
  • Palestine & Occupied Arab Territories
  • Deputy Secretary-General
<September 2024>

About Sector

  • Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries



    The Seventh Arab Summit Conference convened in Rabat in 1974, acknowledging the paramount importance of Arab-African cooperation. As a manifestation of the principle of Arab-African solidarity and the shared destiny of Arabs and Africans, the conference established the Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries, with a capital of $25 million. In April 1975, the League council elected the inaugural board of directors for the fund, which held its first meeting in Cairo from 5-7 August of the same year. The fund launched its activities in late 1976.

    The Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries is one of the organs of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States, possessing legal personality within the limits necessary to achieve its objectives. Its primary aim is to provide technical assistance and cover expenses in the fields of human, economic, and scientific development for African countries. The fund does not offer direct cash or in-kind loans or grants, but rather focuses on providing technical support.

    First: Organisational Structure

    The Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries is composed of a board of directors and an executive secretariat.

    The Board of Directors is chaired by the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States and consists of eight members elected by the League Council for a three-year term renewable upon nomination by the Arab member states of the League. Additionally, the Directors General of the Arab Organisation for Education, Culture, and Science and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa serve as ex-officio members.

    The Board of Directors is responsible for developing action plans and the necessary rules for their implementation, examining and approving requests for technical assistance submitted by concerned countries, and approving the draft annual budget and final accounts before presenting them to the League Council. The Board also determines the fund's reserve ratio, proposes financial and administrative regulations required by the special nature of the fund's work before presenting them to the League Council, and submits an annual report on the fund's activities to the League Council. The Board may delegate some of its competencies between its sessions to the Secretary-General.

    The fund's Board of Directors convenes annually in two regular sessions, unless the Board decides otherwise.


    Second: Executive Secretariat of the Fund

    The Executive Secretariat of the Fund is made up of a general manager and three departments:

    Research and Studies Department

    Operations Department

    Financial and Administrative Affairs Department

    The Executive Secretariat of the Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries is responsible for preparing the fund's projects, plans, and programmes and taking the necessary measures to implement them upon approval by the Board of Directors. The Executive Secretariat also contacts specialised African and Arab countries and organisations, international bodies, and others on matters related to the fund's work.

    The Executive Secretariat prepares the draft annual budget before submitting it to the Board of Directors and conducts studies and research related to requests for technical assistance submitted by requesting countries. It also takes the necessary procedures for concluding agreements with countries requesting assistance.

    In addition, the Executive Secretariat carries out technical and administrative secretarial work for the meetings of the Board of Directors and committees.


    Third: Fund regulations

    The Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries focuses on providing technical assistance in the field of manpower development. This includes sending Arab experts in various disciplines and providing scholarships and training in Arab institutes and universities.

    When dispatching experts to African countries, the fund covers the following expenses:

    A) A suitable monthly salary in US dollars.

    B) Travel expenses for the expert and their family (up to a maximum of a wife and two children in economy class for round trips).

    The country receiving the technical assistance is responsible for providing the following to the experts:

    A) Free, furnished housing suitable for the expert and their family.

    B) Covering the expenses of internal transportation for work.

    C) Providing complete medical care for the expert and their family.

    D) Exempting the expert's salary from taxes.

    E) Allowing the expert to transfer their savings abroad in US dollars.


    2- Offering grants:

    • The Fund bears the following expenses for the student:

    • Travel expenses back and forth for the student from his home country to the Arab country, the place of study or training, and back at the end of it.

    • Study or training fees.

    • Adequate pocket money in addition to an annual amount for books.

    • 3- Applying for technical assistance to the fund:

    • The fund receives requests for technical assistance from African governments, and the executive secretariat studies them after completing all the required detailed data according to the forms prepared for that.

    • The Executive Secretariat presents the request for technical assistance to the Fund's Board of Directors to take the appropriate decision.

    • After the Board of Directors approves the request for technical assistance, the executive secretariat takes implementation measures and concludes a technical cooperation agreement with the beneficiary country that clarifies the technical assistance, the Fund's obligations, and the commitments of the beneficiary country.


    The Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries has achieved remarkable success through the provision of effective technical assistance. The active role played by Arab experts in their interactions with the African community has earned them respect and trust among officials, and their tangible contributions have significantly contributed to the development of African countries.

    Upon reviewing the attached statistics and data, it becomes evident that:

    1- The fund's activities during the previous period, aligned with the priorities set by its board of directors, have been highly significant, with human resources development being the top priority in the applications received by the fund. Dispatched experts included doctors in various specialties, teachers, university professors, marine pilots, engineers in various fields, irrigation, agricultural and planning experts, postal experts, computer technicians, social and rural development experts, radio and television professionals, judiciary experts, and scholars in diverse fields.

    2- In the field of training courses, the fund has made significant contributions by conducting numerous training programmes in various fields, including statistics, civil aviation, agriculture, mining, oil, energy, water, tourism, hotel management, combating desertification, and drought.

    3- The fund was able, despite its limited financial capabilities, to provide technical assistance to more than 40 African and Arab countries. The number of experts it has dispatched since its inception has reached 4,188 experts in various disciplines. It has also provided 2,533 scholarships and trainings in various fields.

    The Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries aims to foster cohesion and interdependence between the Arab and African peoples, making the process of technical cooperation a crucial requirement for both. As development efforts intensify, the importance of the fund becomes more significant, necessitating increased activity.



  • Since the establishment of the League of Arab States on 22nd March 1945, the Arab States were greatly interested in the joint Arab social development action and the General Department of Social Affairs was the concerned body in this regard. The Social Affairs Sector, consisted of eleven (11) departments covering all the social and developmental aspects of interest to Member States, within the restructuring of the Secretariat General in 2002.  In January 2013, as part of the new restructuring of the Secretariat and with an aim to improving the performance of Social Affairs Sector, the number of departments was reduced to eight (8) Departments and two (2) Units, reflecting the concerns and priorities of the joint Arab social and developmental action.

  • The Legal Affairs Sector undertakes several tasks, particularly supervision of all legal issues of the Secretariat General and its affiliated bodies and organizations. It provides Legal advice and advisory opinions on issues presented by the councils and committees of the League of Arab States; the departments of the Secretariat General and its bodies; or by Arab organizations working within the scope of the League of Arab States. The Sector also acts as the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice, coordinates Arab positions in international conferences concerned with any legal issues, conducts administrative investigations on various matters submitted to the Sector; and represents the Secretariat General in all legal issues and matters and before the Administrative Court of the League of Arab States.

    The Sector also prepares, drafts and reviews conventions, treaties, cooperation agreements, Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs), rules and regulations, resolutions and contracts which are generally concluded within the framework of the League of Arab States. The Sector also takes the necessary measures to archive and deposit signed and ratified documents, treaties and agreements concluded within the framework of the League of Arab States or with any other Arab League Member State. The Sector also provides advisory opinions to the Secretary-General and the Permanent Arab Committee for Human Rights on certain issues and cooperates with regional, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and national institutions concerned with human rights in the Arab League Member States

  • A Brief on the Palestine and Occupied Arab Territories Sector

    The Palestine and Occupied Arab Territories Sector is concerned with following up on the implementation of decisions related to developments in the Palestinian issue and the occupied Arab territories.

    The sector is responsible for effecting the decisions of the Council of the League of Arab States at the summit and foreign ministers levels and their affiliated ministerial councils and committees, especially the Arab Peace Initiative Committee and the Arab mini-ministerial committee, regarding measures to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.


    The Palestine and Occupied Arab Territories Sector is divided into three departments:

    1- Department of Palestine Affairs.

    2- Department of Occupied Arab Territories.

    3- Department of Israeli Affairs.

    Historical Background on the Foundation of the Sector:

    The Palestine Administration was established by Resolution 471 issued by the Council of the League of Arab States on 23 September 1952 (Ordinary Session 16), as the General Secretariat's administration meant to follow up on the political decisions and developments of the Palestinian cause.

    The administration developed into a sector that follows up on developments in the occupied Arab territories in 1967 and prepares files for conferences and meetings, such as the Conference of Supervisors of Palestinian Affairs in hosting countries, the Council of Educational Affairs for the Children of Palestine, and the Committee of Educational Programmes concerned with Arab Students in the Occupied Arab Territories. The sector became responsible for the periodic organisation of the Conference of Liaison Officers of the Regional Offices to Boycott Israel. It took part in the meetings of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) as well.


  • The Financial Control Sector was founded based on Tunisia Summit Resolution 257 (ordinary session 16) on 23 May 2004. The name of the sector was later changed to the Financial and Administrative Control Sector, and the organisational structure of the General Secretariat was amended.

    The organisational structure of the Financial Control Sector comprises three departments:

    The Assistant Secretary-General

    Administrative Control Department, Inspection Department, Financial Control Department

    Department of Contracts Review and Decisions, Department of Administrative Inspection and Efficiency Reports

    Department of Follow Up on Structural Reform and Performance Development Research, Department of Financial Control.

  • The Economic Sector was formed as part of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States. Its objectives are to implement the documents binding Arab economic cooperation through its sponsorship of all economic areas of joint Arab action, which are produced by the periodic and economic summits and the Economic and Social Council. In light of the history of joint Arab action, the Economic Sector was able to organise its work in line with the comprehensive vision of the mission of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.

    Despite successive global events, the Economic Sector in the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States and its multiple departments has sought to achieve its diverse goals in developing Arab economic action.

  •  The Arab National Security is a priority issue in the agenda of the joint Arab action, due to its importance at the international level. The Sector seeks to define clear objectives and specific tasks to be implemented and achieved, in view of the critical security conditions of the Arab world at the present time. Therefore, the Arab League Secretary-General, Mr. Amr Moussa (2001-2011) sought to the creation of a new structure for a General Department of Military Affairs pursuant to Resolution 106/1 issued on 1st July 2002, which was renamed as the Arab National Security Sector.

    The Sector is composed of 4 Departments:

    Military Department and Security and Peace Council

    The Arab Mashreq

    The Arab Gulf and Yemen Affairs

    North Africa

    The Horn of Africa and Sudan

  • The Administrative and Financial Affairs Sector seeks to provide administrative, financial and logistical assistance to all sectors of the Secretariat General, missions, centers and offices of the League of Arab States. Its main goal is to appoint, train and qualify human resources  to work for the Secretariat General and its offices abroad, to develop the effective work methods using modern technologies for all the sectors and their representatives abroad. The Sector also prepares and implements the budget of the Secretariat General by using the latest systems and programs to raise efficiency levels and planning schemes. It also prepares administrative and financial studies, projects, plans and programs required by ministerial councils and their affiliated agencies and committees. It also develops training programs, technical applications and translation forms to serve all sectors and employees of the League.

  •  The Political Affairs Sector is one of the Secretariat General Sectors of the League of Arab States, which is concerned with follow-up on political developments at both Arab and international levels, in addition to monitoring the developments in the course of Arab-International relations. This Sector works towards creating a more conductive political environment that prompts further cooperation and coordination among Arab and world countries in all fields for the benefit of the higher interests of the Arab world.

    The Sector has five Departments:  the Multilateral Relations Department, the Africa and Arab-African Cooperation Department, the Europe and Arab European Cooperation Department, the Two Americas Department and the Asia-Australia and Arab - Asian Cooperation Department, in addition to the Coordination and Follow-up Unit.

  • The role of the Arab Media at the political, economic and social levels became of great interest. In 1946, a department was established to take  charge of responding to queries addressed to the League of Arab States and was called "the Department of Information”. In the following years, the Departmentevolved, and its tasks were extended to include informing the public about the League of Arab States and its activities. In 1948, the name of the Department was changed to the “Department of Information and Publishing”, then the "Department of Publicity" in 1952. However, it became the Department of Media in 1959, upon recommendation from the Arab Media Experts Board. The most prominent developmental challenge faced by the Department of Media in the Secretariat General was to change the Department to “Joint Arab Information Apparatus” in 1986, upon a resolution issued by the Council of the League of Arab States, which convened for the first time at the level of Ministers of Information. This was the only time since the establishment of the League of Arab States, at which the Arab League Council authorized the Arab Ministers of Information to convene as a Council of the League of Arab States with the aim  of issuing anumber  of important and urgent resolutions without referring to the Arab League Council. Since then, the development process of the Media Apparatus in the League of Arab States continued until “the  Media and Communication Sector” was established.

  • عين السيد السفير احمد بن حلي نائباً للامين العام بعد استحداث درجة مالية وسياسية لمنصب نائب الأمين العام وبموافقة مجلس جامعة الدول العربية مستوى وزراء الخارجية بالقرار رقم 7645 د.ع (139) بتاريخ 6/3/2013، وذلك لمدة خمس سنوات من تاريخه.

Sector Targets

  • The Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries has set several goals, including:

    1- Providing advisory services, offering expert assistance, and facilitating the exchange of experts between African and Arab countries.

    2- Developing technical and administrative skills by providing training grants and specialised studies for the people of African countries, contributing to their personal and professional development.

    3- Cooperating and coordinating with African, Arab, and international bodies and organisations working in the field of development and technical assistance, promoting collaboration and exchange of knowledge and skills.

    4- Working to coordinate the efforts of African countries in scientific and technological development, as well as in the development of methods and means of production, to improve their economic and social development.

    5- Creating new opportunities for development cooperation between Arab and African countries, opening up new avenues for partnership and collaboration in various fields.


  • The main objective of the Social Affairs Sector is to promote social development across the Arab region, through elaboration and development of Arab and regional strategies and relevant action plans, coordination of Arab visions and positions regarding social issues in international and regional forums in a view to contributing to the achievement of comprehensive development in Arab States.

    1. Coordinates cooperation in both legal and legislative fields between the Ministries of justice in the Arab States.

    2. Seeks to unify legislations and laws among Arab States.

    3. Drafting of  agreements and multilateral conventions of the joint Arab action.

    4. Seeks to raise awareness of law and encourages scientific research in the area of legislative jurisprudence and judiciary.

    5. Seeks to create a partnerships between the League of Arab States and regional and international bodies and coordinates cooperation in all matters related to the legal field.​

  • The sector is the General Secretariat's mechanism to serve and defend the Palestinian cause and the occupied Arab territories within the framework of joint Arab action at various levels.

    Highlighting political, economic and social developments related to the Palestinian cause, be they regarding Jerusalem, the Apartheid Wall, settlements, the Intifada, refugees, UNRWA, Arab and Palestinian prisoners, reconstruction, the boycott, the Palestinians of 1948, educational affairs, the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and the occupied part of southern Lebanon.

    Shedding light on the racist practices and violations of the Israeli occupation in the occupied Palestinian territories and its violation of the resolutions of international legitimacy.

    Responding to the needs of Palestine, developing its institutions, and coordinating with it to achieve the desired goals in all international forums by following up on the implementation of relevant Arab resolutions.


  • The sector is always keen to consult and coordinate with the executive authorities of the General Secretariat to ensure adherence to the observations and proposals made by the sector and the Supreme Authority for General Auditing and the provisions of the administrative and financial regulations. This helps boost and activate the supervisory role of the General Secretariat and the missions and centres of the League abroad to serve the interests of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.

    The sector is committed to enforcing laws and regulations in the General Secretariat and the decisions of the League Council in this regard.

    It also expresses its opinion honestly and with transparency on the administrative and financial issues that are presented to the sector's departments.

  • 1- Supporting Arab economic integration programmes in trade and investment.

    2- Supporting programmes to develop the structure for a sustainable environment, water, housing and reconstruction in Arab countries.

    3- Supporting programmes to develop the infrastructure for transport and tourism in Arab countries.

    4- Supporting programmes to develop the infrastructure for communications and information technology in Arab countries.

    5- Supporting energy infrastructure development programmes in Arab countries.

    6- Supporting programmes to develop statistics and information bases in Arab countries.

    7- Supporting programmes to develop a structure for protecting intellectual property and competitiveness in Arab countries.

    8- Supporting economic and regional development programmes and international economic relations.

    9- Working with Arab government agencies to formulate the systems and policies of joint Arab economic action.

    10- Monitoring and following up on all regional and international economic variables and analysing their repercussions on Arab countries.

    11- Developing foreign economic relations at the Arab and international levels and strengthening trade partnership with economic blocs and regions.

  • Restoring the spirit of Arab national security through implementing its provisions, by convening seminars and conferences to clarify its comprehensive concept.

    Developing Arab mechanism and strategies in all the Arab national security segments to cope with the latest developments and international and regional challenges.

    Coordinating and merging the Arab efforts at both legislative and executive levels to maintain national security and share expertise in this area.

  • (1) Provide administrative, financial and logistical assistance to all Sectors of the Secretariat General, missions, centers and offices of the League, in addition to  raising effectiveness and  performance levels through implementing and follow-up on previously developed plans and strategies, as well as organize and cover all the conferences convened both inside and outside the headquarters.

    (2) Appoint, train and requalify human resources to work within the Secretariat General and its offices abroad, as well as develop the effective work methods using modern technologies for all the sectors of the Secretariat General and their representatives abroad.

    (3) Prepare and implement the budget of the Secretariat General by using the latest systems and programs to raise efficiency levels and future planning

  • Address the crises threatening the stability in the Arab world.

    Strengthen the ties and bonds of joint Arab action, and perform the Arab role at international level.

    Implement the plans and programmes that can strengthen the Arab-international relations as part of the provisions of the Charter of the League of Arab States, the Resolutions of the Council of the League of Arab States and joint Arab agreements.

    Coordinate the policies and positions of Arab countries in various regional and international forums.

    Enhance cooperation with local and regional organizations and institutions.

    Monitor the important international political events and determine their impact on Arab political relations; in addition to review the political trends and positions of the different countries of the world and all that is related to Arab issues.

    Reinforce friendly Arab-international relations and cooperation, and work towards gaining an international support for Arab issues.

    Intensify cooperation with various regional and international blocs, institutions and organizations.

  • Coordinate cooperation among various Arab media and information agencies in the area of Joint Arab Media Action.

    Inform the Arab and international public about the Joint Arab Positions and the Joint Arab Action and consolidate the relation between the League of Arab States and Arab peoples.

    Create a partnership between the League of Arab States and regional and international bodies working in the field of media and communication.

  • ​-

Sector Missions

  • The Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries is dedicated to providing technical assistance in the fields of economic and scientific development to African countries. The fund employs various means to achieve its goals, including:

    1- Developing technical and administrative skills by providing training grants and specialised studies to the people of African countries, contributing to their personal and professional growth.

    2- Providing advisory services, offering expert assistance, and facilitating the exchange of experts between Arab and African countries, promoting knowledge-sharing and collaboration.

    3- Working to coordinate the efforts of African and Arab countries in scientific and technological development, and in the development of methods and means of production, to enhance their economic and social development.

    4- Cooperating and coordinating with African, Arab, and international bodies and organisations involved in development and technical assistance, promoting partnerships and exchange of expertise.

    5- Conducting comprehensive studies on development projects in African countries and providing opportunities for their implementation, contributing to the sustainable growth and development of these countries.

  • The Main Tasks of the Social Affairs Sector

    Drafting of social projects for ordinary Arab Summits and  Economic and Social Development Summits

    Prepares proposed issues submitted to the agenda of the meetings of the League of Arab States Council and the Economic and Social Council.

    Follow up implementation of the resolutions of Arab ordinary and development summits, the Arab League Council  and the Economic and Social Council, in cooperation and coordination with specialized Arab Ministerial Councils and the concerned Arab and international organizations.

    Coordinates with specialized Arab organizations concerned with social and developmental issues with regards to matters submitted to the Social Committee of the Economic and Social Council whose recommendations are duly submitted to the Council to take the necessary resolutions in this regard.  The Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (ALECSO), the Arab Labor Organization and the Organization of Arab Women are among these concerned organizations.

    Prepares draft agenda for specialized Ministerial Councils working within the scope of the Social Affairs Sector (Social Affairs, Health, Youth and Sports).

    Seeks implementation of all the activities of specialized Ministerial Councils approved by Arab Ministers.

    Drafting of action plans and programmes, in coordination with Member States, to encourage joint Arab social and development action, aiming to improving living standards of Arab citizen and safeguarding their social safety and security.

    1. ​Supervises all issues relevant to legal matters of the Secretariat General and its affiliated bodies and organizations.
    2. Provides advisory opinions on all issues presented by the Council and Committees of the Secretariat General, its affiliated bodies or Arab organizations working within the framework of the League of Arab States.
    3. Undertakes the tasks of the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice.
    4. Strengthens Arab positions in international conferences concerned with legal issues.
    5. Conducts administrative investigations in various matters related to the Legal Affairs Sector, represents the Secretariat General in all legal issues and matters and before the Administrative Court of the League of Arab States.
    6. Prepares, drafts and reviews conventions, treaties, cooperation agreements, Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs), rules and regulations, resolutions and contracts which are generally concluded within the framework of the League of Arab States.​

  • Following up on and documenting developments in the Palestinian cause and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

    Monitoring and analysing the Palestinian political, economic and social fronts by preparing permanent files on: Jerusalem, the Intifada, refugees, UNRWA, reconstruction and development, support for the Palestinian people and their authority, the economy and institutions, Israeli settlements and the construction of the Apartheid Wall, the status of the Arabs of 1948 and documenting Israeli practices against them in the occupied Palestinian territories, Arab and Palestinian prisoners, the occupied Syrian Golan Heights and the occupied part of southern Lebanon, and internal Israeli affairs.

    Reports on Palestine and the occupied Arab territories are updated periodically and circulated among the delegates of Arab member states, the missions of the League of Arab States abroad, as well as Arab and international organisations and federations.

    Observing developments in the Palestinian cause and the Arab peace initiative in international forums.

    Following up on the preparation of files for conferences and events, such as the meeting of the Conference of Supervisors of Palestinian Affairs in hosting countries, the Council of Educational Affairs for the Children of Palestine, the Committee on Educational Programmes for Arab Students in the Occupied Arab Territories, and the participation in the meetings of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

    Supervising the main office of the boycott of Israel and activities on supporting and activating the boycott, and the periodic organisation of the Conference of Liaison Officers of the Regional Offices of Boycott of Israel.

    Coordinating with various Arab and international entities concerned with the Palestinian cause.

    Organising activities and events related to Palestine, such as the annual celebration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November and the Arab Prisoner's Day on 17 April of each year.

    Issuing political statements on important and historical occasions, such as the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration on 2 November, and issuing the monthly Palestine Magazine.

  • • Reviewing and auditing the financial procedures at the General Secretariat and the League's offices, centres and missions abroad. The sector monitors the financial and administrative procedures to ensure that financial resources are utilised in a correct and organised fashion. It also monitors spending on budget items and its implementation, ensuring the financial procedures are correct regarding the budget of the General Secretariat, accounts and special funds.

    • The sector also reviews and audits draft administrative decisions and contracts to ensure the application of all administrative systems and regulations of the General Secretariat. The sector expresses its opinion on administrative issues, such as the reports of the sector's departments and detailed data and statistics on the work of each department.

    • Communicating with the supervisory authorities in the Arab countries, given the importance of communication and cooperation between the Financial Control Sector in the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States and the supervisory authorities in the Arab countries to share experiences with member states in the field of auditing, to upgrade the work performance, and to improve the administrative and financial work demanded by the General Secretariat and Member States. This is meant to stay abreast of technological advancements taking place the world over.

    • The Financial Control Sector took part in the preparation and review of some administrative and financial regulations of the missions and centres of the League of Arab States abroad in cooperation with the Human and Financial Resources Sector.

    • The database is crucial in providing all job-related information. The Financial Control Sector focuses on developing the database that includes all information on the employees at the headquarters and the League's missions and centres abroad. In 2010, the data was updated after changes in appointments, termination of services, promotions and other information on permanent and contracted employees at the headquarters and League missions abroad.

    • Administrative and financial inspection of the headquarters of the General Secretariat, including warehouses, printing press, vehicles, library, express withdrawal unit, and Social Security Fund. The inspection committees submitted detailed reports on the results of the inspection to the Secretary-General. The sector follows up on the implementation of the inspection reports with the relevant sectors according to the directives of the Secretary-General and his observations.

    • Administrative inspection of the League's offices, centres and missions abroad, in implementation of League Council Resolution 6982 on 8 September 2008, which "emphasises the important role the Financial Control Sector plays and calls for intensifying inspection visits to the League's offices and missions abroad."

  • The Economic Sector is meant to contribute to the development of Arab economies to improve the living standards of Arab peoples. It also coordinates with government agencies, specialised Arab organisations, unions, the Arab private sector, civil society institutions, international organisations and all relevant authorities that are in line with the goals of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States.

  • Supervising the Sector’s departments and divisions; and acts as the Secretariat of the Arab Peace and Security Council, the African Union and the Arab Fund for Military Sports.

    Drafting strategies to safeguard comprehensive Arab national security; and enhancing the Arab capacities in the area of preventive measures in coordination with Arab institutions and relevant sectors and departments of the Secretariat General.

    Proposing appropriate collective measures towards any Member State attacking or threatening any Arab State, as well as towards any foreign aggression or threat against any Member State.

    Presenting proposals for mediation,conciliation, good offices between the Arab disputing parties to achieve peaceful settlement.

    Proposing the necessary mechanism for peacekeeping within Arab countries, as well as forming Arab peacekeeping forces thereof.

    Providing reports and proposals on the Arab national security condition, submitted to the Arab League Council to take the necessary decision in this regard.

    Follow-up on the implementation of the Arab League Council resolutions pertaining to Arab national security.

    Follow-up and participation in the seminars, conferences and meetings pertaining to Arab national security affairs at Arab, regional and international levels.

  • (1) Address all the personnel and human resources affairs; and supervise all financial operations and accounts, in conformity with the applicable rules, regulations and resolutions.

    (2) Coordinate with concerned authorities to take the necessary security measures relevant to headquarters premises and its branches.

    (3) Maintain all the services of the Secretariat General  during conferences.

    (4) Perform the functions of the Technical Secretariat of the Permanent Committee for Administrative and Financial Affairs and the ad hoc committees.

    (5) Coordinate with the Higher Authority for General Surveillance to control and monitor final accounts, as well as follow up on the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Council of the League of Arab States in this regard.

    (6) Participate in meetings concerned with Arab and International human and financial resources.

    (7) Develop studies, draft plans for administrative and financial programs required for the Council proceedings, its organs and committees.

    (8) Organize training programs and technical applications for the Secretariat General staff members.

  • Prepare studies and reports on the political trends of Arab and foreign countries.

    Monitor international political developments and explore their impact on the Arab situation.

    Follow up on the implementation of the Resolutions issued by the Council of the League of Arab States relevant to political affairs.

    Organize an Arab Cooperation forum with regional and international organizations, and follow up on implementation of the issued decisions.

    Participate in international conferences and forums that discuss Arab issues.

    Implement the plans and programmes that can promote inter-Arab and Arab-international relations.

  • Develop a strategy for the Joint Arab Media according to regional and international variables and working towards its implementation, in cooperation and coordination with all Arab States.

    Implement the resolutions issued by the Council of Arab Ministers of Information and the recommendations of the Permanent Committee of Arab media on the Joint Arab Media Action and take the necessary steps to follow up on their implementation.

    Act as the Technical Secretariat for the Permanent Arab Media Committee, the Council of Arab Ministers of Information and their sub-committees.

    Provide information on the activities of the Secretariat General and its bodies and broaden the scope of information about the Arab League’s positions towards political, economic, cultural and other common issues.

    Publish media and information materials that reflect common Arab positions and Joint Arab Action for the Arab League missions abroad, as well as material addressing foreign public opinion.

    Raise awareness of the Arab public opinion and Arab citizens about issues and objectives of the Joint Arab Action and the institutions of the Joint Arab Action, particularly the League of Arab States.

    Cooperate with regional and international media organizations, and actively participate in their conferences and activities.

    Use advanced technology in the process of early warning, monitor and analyze information and follow up on events and their repercussions on the Arab States in support of the decision-making process in the Arab world.

    Develop Arab media mechanisms to keep up with enormous technological development.


    اختصاصات نائب الأمين العام تتمثل خاصةً في:

    • معاونة الأمين العام في تسيير نشاط جامعة الدول العربية بغية تحقيق أهدافها، والارتقاء بأدائها وتطوير عملها وفقاً لمتطلبات واحتياجات الدول العربية، في المجالات السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والإدارية والمالية والتنظيمية.
    • معاونة الأمين العام في ضبط طرق وأساليب عمل قطاعات الأمانة العامة، وكذلك الترابط فيما بينها وتنسيق العمل بها، وانتقال المعلومات داخلها، وتسلسل المسؤوليات وتدرج السلطات فيها، بما يجنب الازدواجية في العمل داخل الأمانة العامة وفيما بينها وبين المنظمات العربية المتخصصة والمجالس الوزارية.
    • معاونة الأمين العام في تنفيذ الخطط والبرامج التي تقرها مجالس الجامعة على جميع مستوياتها وأجهزتها والقرارات والإعلانات والتوصيات التي تتخذها.
    • مواكبة حركة التغيير التي تشهدها المجتمعات العربية، والتعريف بالقضايا العربية على المستوى الدولي والدفاع عنها وتنسق الموقف العربي في المحافل الدولية وفى المنظمات الإقليمية والدولية التي تنتمي إليها المجموعة العربية.
    • الإنابة عن الأمين العام في تسيير شؤون الأمانة العامة عند غيابه أو عند الاقتضاء بتكليف من الأمين العام علاوة على الإشراف المباشر على تسيير عمل:
    • أمانة شؤون مجلس الجامعة.
    • أمانة المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي.
    • أمانة تنظيم الانتخابات.
    • إدارة حقوق الإنسان.​
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