About Council
  • The Statue of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information

    The Council is responsible for the tasks that achieve the objectives set forth in Article 3, including:

    Planning and overseeing the execution and expansion of media tactics and schemes in concurrence with national objectives.

    Instituting the fundamental regulations for collaborative Arab media endeavours and supervising their trajectory and assessing their outcomes.

    Bolstering collaborative Arab media establishments and undertakings that advance the objectives delineated in this framework, and furnishing technical and material support in the media domain to Arab nations in consonance with their own studies and those conducted by the Council.

    Promoting the exchange and dissemination of media content among member states and between them and the wider world.

    Scrutinising and evaluating worldwide media phenomena and trends, and their immediate and indirect influence on Arab public opinion, culture, and civiliastion.

    Approving the Council's agenda and formulating the requisite resolutions and suggestions.

    Formulating the principles and regulations that foster association and collaboration with Arab, regional, and international organisations and unions that partake in media activities.

    Sanctioning the budget proposal for executing the strategies, plans, programmes, and media undertakings that are endorsed and financed by the Arab Call Fund or other sources ratified by the Council.

    Devising the Council's internal structure and amending it by a majority of its members.

    Constituting committees deemed essential for accomplishing the Council's mandates.

    The amended statute of the Council of Arab Ministers of Information

    (Available in Arabic)doc


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