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<April 2024>
  • Department of Transport & Tourism
Missions - Targets
  • The Department of Transportation and Tourism Mission

    1- Representing the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of Transport and Tourism and Technical Committees and their Working Group.

    2- Proposing technical issues to be submitted to Ministerial Councils.

    3- Implementing and follow-up on the Ministerial resolutions issued by the Council of Transport and Tourism.

    4- Participating in the development of vision and reports, comprehensive economic reports issued by the Economic Affairs Sector of the Secretariat General of the League of Arab States.

    5- Strengthen Arab cooperation and integration within the Sectors of Transport and Tourism.

    6- Developing the draft sectoral plans and strategies in the fields of transport and tourism.

    7- Submitting progress and follow-up reports on the activities of the Department to the Arab Summit and meetings, the Economic and Social Council and the Council of the League of Arab States at Ministerial Level.

    8- Preparing annual reports on the implementation of road, railways and maritime linkages that connect Arab States, developing and submitting Arab tourism strategy to Ministerial Councils (Transport and Tourism).

    9- Preparing studies on the approaches to develop both the Transport and Tourism Sectors.

    10- Developing studies on the consequences of the Arab economic policies on both the Transport and Tourism Sectors.

    11- Developing draft Arab agreements in both transport and tourism sectors.

    12- Representing the Arab League Secretariat General and coordinating Arab positions in the relevant Arab and international conferences, meetings and forums.

    13- Following up on regional and international developments in transport and tourism.

    (transport and tourism).

    First: Mission of the Transport Sector:

    The Transport Sector is responsible for implementing the tasks of the technical secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of Transport and its executive office.

    1. Preparing draft agendas for the Council of Arab Ministers of Transport, its executive office, technical committees and working teams.

    2. Implementing the Council's decisions related to the role of the technical secretariat.

    3. Following up with other entities on the implementation of the decisions of the Council, its executive office and technical committees.

    4. Preparing annual and periodical reports on the achievements and activities of the Transportation Department.

    5. Discussing the means to foster Arab cooperation and integration in the transport sector.

    6. Preparing draft Arab agreements in the field of transport.

    7. Participating in compiling databases for the Arab transport sector.

    8. Taking part in drafting studies on the means to develop the transport sector and set its terms of reference.

    9. Representing the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Arab and international conferences and meetings.

    Second: Mission of the Tourism Sector:

    1. Implementing the tasks of the technical secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers of Tourism and its executive office.

    2. Preparing draft agendas for the meetings of the Ministerial Council, its executive office, committees and work teams.

    3. Implementing the Council's decisions related to the role of the technical secretariat.

    4. Following up with other entities on the implementation of the decisions of the Council, its executive office and technical committees.

    5. Preparing annual and periodical reports on the achievements and activities of the Tourism Department.

    6. Proposing technical studies and preparing their terms of reference.

    7. Preparing draft Arab tourism agreements to establish cooperation between Arab countries in this field.

    8. Participating in building databases for the Arab tourism sector.

    9. Representing the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States in Arab and international conferences and meetings.


  • The Department of Transport and Tourism aims to promote Arab cooperation in areas of both transport and tourism, particularly:

    1-  Developing an Arab strategy for Transport and Tourism Department and its plans and programmes that foster inter-relation between Arab countries, facilitating transport and tourism in the Arab region, in cooperation and coordination with specialized Arab organizations and Unions, as experienced bodies in the area of transport and tourism.

    2- Developing the fields of both transport and tourism and promoting technical efficiency.

    3- Submitting recommendations to both the Council of Arab Ministers of Transport and tourism on the approaches needed to implement the objectives of the strategy of the joint Arab economic action in transport and tourism, coordinating cooperation within and among these fields and other fields in a view to achieving the objectives of the development plans and developmental integration.

    4- Coordinating and cooperating within both fields across the Arab region, taking into consideration material and human needs.

     5- Developing scientific research and practical studies on development of both the transport and tourism fields and periodically exchange statistics and information.

    6- Developing legislations, regulations and terms of transport and tourism in the Arab world.

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