• Secretary-General's Cabinet
  • Arab Affairs & National Security
  • International Political Affairs
  • Legal Affairs
  • Economic Affairs
  • Social Affairs
  • Media & Communication
  • Administrative & Finance
  • Financial Auditing
  • Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries
  • Palestine & Occupied Arab Territories
  • Deputy Secretary-General
  • Department of Communication & Social Media
Missions - Targets
  • ​The department acts as the technical secretariat for two specialised ministerial councils: the Council of Arab Ministers responsible for environmental affairs; and the Council of Arab Ministers concerned with meteorological and climate affairs. The tasks of the department include following up on the implementation of the decisions of the two councils and their executive offices, submitting periodic reports to the councils and preparing technical studies required for the work of each entity. In addition, the department is responsible for coordinating and cooperating with member states, Arab organisations, specialised Arab ministerial councils, concerned unions and international organisations in the fields of technical cooperation and training, as well as holding scientific seminars.

  • ​The Family Department is tasked with:

    Initiating projects and programmes that support the role of the family and working with the concerned authorities in the Member States to implement them.

    Developing national and regional indicators for the family and building a detailed database based on gender.

    Supporting national and regional activities for the advancement of the Arab family.

    Coordinating with Member States to follow up on the implementation of the goals of the Arab Strategy for the Family.

    Implementing the goals and recommendations of the technical secretariat of the Arab Family Committee through the Council of Arab Ministers of Social Affairs.

    Following up on the implementation of the Platform for Action for the Family in the Arab Region within the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

    Organising conferences, seminars, panel discussions and training programmes that use an integrated approach to support families.

    Participation in relevant Arab and international events, as well as collaboration and coordination with governmental and non-governmental organisations concerned with family affairs in Arab countries.

    Collaboration and coordination with relevant entities in member countries to ensure the rights of seniors in terms of care, social, economic, and cultural aspects.

    Active participation with Arab countries in designing programmes meant to create appropriate legislation to empower seniors, integrate them into society, and benefit from their experiences.


    The Childhood Department is tasked with:

    The Technical Secretariat of the Arab Childhood Committee, as well as the committees overseeing the monitoring of violence against children and the advisory committee for children's rights, were among the responsibilities undertaken. Final reports from these committees were submitted to the relevant ministerial council.

    Drafting policies, developing plans and programmes that contribute to the achievement of goals outlined in the Arab and international agreements and charters related to childhood were also a crucial aspect of the work.

    Monitoring the implementation of decisions issued by the League Council, as well as specialised ministerial councils related to childhood, in addition to monitoring the implementation of recommendations issued by the Arab Childhood Committee and its sub-committees were prioritised.

    Encouraging member countries to ratify international agreements, treaties, and charters related to children's rights, as well as monitoring the implementation of provisions and objectives outlined in Arab and international declarations, plans, and agreements were also key responsibilities.

    Monitoring issues related to protecting children, granting them their rights, and combating all forms of violence against them, as well as protecting refugee and displaced children, were primary responsibilities.

    Issuing the "Arab Comparative Report on the Implementation of the UN Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children" periodically was also a key task.

    Tracking the implementation of the "Investing in Childhood Development Agenda in the Arab Region 2030" and its corresponding implementation plan, within the framework of the United Nations 2030 Development Agenda, was also a crucial aspect of the work.

    Monitoring children's rights issues at both regional and international levels, as well as keeping abreast of international developments related to childhood issues, and taking the necessary measures at the Arab regional level to keep pace with them, in addition to unifying and coordinating Arab efforts towards these issues in international forums were also among the responsibilities.

    Enhancing cooperation and supporting coordination mechanisms with Arab and international organisations, as well as civil society institutions, regarding childhood affairs, were key objectives.

    Organising and hosting conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses, and annual meetings, as well as participating in relevant Arab and international events related to childhood issues, were also important tasks.

    Developing and issuing periodic reports on the state of childhood, the entities responsible for children, conducting theoretical, applied, and field studies and research on childhood issues were also prioritised.

    Proposing regulations, systems, and measures to help develop social work in the field of childhood and enforce children's rights in various domains were also crucial responsibilities.

    Establishing a comprehensive database on Arab childhood and documenting successful Arab experiences and projects in enforcing children's rights and combating all forms of violence against them was a significant objective.

    Efforts to harmonise laws and regulations related to children's rights in the Arab world with international standards in this area were also prioritised.


  • The organizational structure of the Arms Control and Disarmament Department and its mission:

    The Arms Control and Regional Security Department, through its various sectors, performs the following joint tasks:

    1. Follow up and monitor changes in the regional and international arena.

    2. Raise the issues affecting Arab national security to the League Council, whether at the ministerial level or at the summit level, to take the appropriate decision.

    3. Consultation and exchange of views with Arab countries to bring the views closer to reach a unified Arab position.

    4. Study and analyze regional and international accords to determine their pros and cons.

    5. Conduct research and hold meetings to connect disarmament issues with issues of human, regional and Arab security, and human development.

    6. Participate in relevant regional and international meetings.

    7. Organize meetings and seminars for Arab countries on disarmament.

    8. Contact relevant regional and international organisations to exchange information and expertise.


    1. Department of Weapons of Mass Destruction

    The department follows up on recent developments with regard to the three weapons of mass destruction (nuclear weapons, chemical weapons and biological weapons) through participation in international forums to coordinate Arab positions on relevant agreements and treaties.

    2. Department of Conventional Weapons

    The department follows up on recent developments regarding conventional weapons, in particular small arms and light weapons, anti-personnel mines, cluster munitions, and the Arms Trade Treaty. The department comprises the "regional focal point on small arms and light weapons".

    3. Department of Cooperation with International Organizations and Civil Society

    The department is concerned with communicating with international organizations, such as the Non-Aligned Movement, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, international and regional governmental and non-governmental organizations, and research centers that play an important role and influence decision-makers in the field of disarmament.​

  • Follow-up on political developments in the Arabian Gulf states and Yemen.

    o Follow-up on the developments of the crisis in Yemen, monitor the most prominent developments at the political, security and humanitarian levels, and submit proposals and perceptions about what the League of Arab States can do to support and assist Yemen to achieve peace, stability, and reconstruction in all its regions in light of the decisions of the League Council at the summit and ministerial levels, as well as relevant United Nations resolutions.

    o Follow-up on developments related to Iran's occupation of the United Arab Emirates' three islands, the Greater Tunb, the Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa, in the Arabian Gulf.

    o Follow-up on issues related to threatening the national security of the Arabian Gulf states and Yemen, including the threat posed by terrorism and Iranian interference in the affairs of the Arabian Gulf states and Yemen, and preparing reports thereon.

    o Follow-up on the file of the relationship between the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States and the General Secretariat of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf.

    o Organising seminars and workshops on topics related to the department's jurisdiction, and cooperating with Arab and Gulf studies and research centres in this regard.

    That is in addition to any other tasks assigned to the department by the office of the Secretary-General.​

    1. Holding the Arab regional conference for population to develop the vision and identify population priorities during the coming phase, as well as to prepare for the Arab participation in the International Conference on Population and Development.
    2. Holding the annual meeting for heads of committees and national population councils, to follow -up on implementation of the recommendations of the Conference on Population and Development in Cairo 2013, as well as tighten coordination, strengthen exchange and dialogue, and adopt the Arab strategy and Plan of Action.
    3. Organizing specialized conferences, scientific seminars and experts meetings to support specialized regional dialogue on population issues and challenges ( youth issues, migration, reproductive health, sexually transmitted diseases,  gender perspective, population growth), among decision makers, professionals, and civil society organizations, in support of the joint Arab action and enact political decision in the areas of population and development.
    4. Convening of training sessions and workshops to contribute in national capacity-building in areas of population data analysis and indicator extraction and ways of using them to develop the appropriate population policies.
    5. Conducting research and studies to monitor the Arab demographic reality and outlook its future in terms of its characteristics and dynamics, in order to understand the achievements, risks and challenges and know how to deal with them to activate population policies aiming at achieving sustainable development goals.
    6. Designing and updating population databases.
    7. Supporting and expanding partnerships with Arab and international institutions related to population issues.
    8. Cooperating with the United Nations Fund for Population Agency (UNFPA) on population issues.
    9. Cooperating with the European parties in terms of population policies/ Youth.
    10. Cooperating with other International Institutions.​
    • ​Coordinating between civil society organizations, and the related mechanisms and departments of the Secretariat General.
    • Preparing and organizing forums of civil society to be held on the sidelines of the Arab Economic and Social Summit, and all relevant committees of the Civil Society formed thereof from the Economic and Social Council (Committee of Arab Civil Society Institutions, and Standards Committee).
    • Coordinating with departments, different mechanisms and concerned authorities in the League of Arab States and Civil Society in preparing and organizing all forums of civil society held on the sideline of the Arab, Africa, European and  Latin .... etc Summits.
    • Coordinating between Arab Governmental Groups and Civil Society in international forums, meetings and regional workshops.
    • Coordinating between Civil Society organizations and international organizations, in the preparation of meetings and joint workshops in different areas, particularly capacity development.
    • Forming sub-committees of civil society organizations in different areas of Joint Arab Action.
    • Coordinating positions between Governments and  Civil Society, to put priority issues on the international agenda, particularly in social, economic and developmental areas.
    • Developing high-level mechanisms with governments concerned with reforming and implementing programs and action plans related to civil society organizations.
    • Developing mandates of Civil Society Institutions Committee, to establish frameworks for civil society participations. Furthermore, considering the standards included for participation and update of the status in the Economic and Social Council according to the scientific and technical standards of similar international and regional organizations.
    • Directly supervising mandates of the Committee of Civil Society Institutions, and the Working Group committee on  the amendment of standards in cooperation with the Economic and Social Council Secretariat. 

  • تقوم وحدة التنسيق والمتابعة إلي تحقيق المهام التالية:

    1.تنسيق أنشطة ودعم التعاون بين الإدارات والأمانات الثلاثة ( أمانة المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي، أمانة مجلس الجامعة وأمانة تنظيم الانتخابات، إدارة حقوق الإنسان​) ذات الارتباط المباشر بالسيد نائب الأمين العام.

    2.متابعة أنشطة الإدارات ذات الارتباط المباشر بالسيد نائب الأمين العام وتنسيق العمل بينها وبين القطاعات في الأمانة العامة.

    3.الإسهام فى تحضير وتنظيم الاجتماعات التي تخدم مجالات عمل الإدارات والأمانات الثلاثة التي يُشرف عليها السيد نائب الأمين العام.

    4.المشاركة في تحضير الاجتماعات الداخلية برئاسة نائب الأمين العام (القمم – التعاون – المنتديات) ومتابعة ما يتمخض منها من توصيات وتكلفات.

    5.المشاركة في الاجتماعات التحضيرية لاجتماعات مجلس الجامعة على المستويات الثلاثة (القمة – الوزراء – المندوبين).

    6.المشاركة في إعداد مشاريع الخطط والبرامج والتنسيق بين الإدارات التي يشرف عليها السيد نائب الأمين العام.​

    7.الرد على استفسارات الإدارات والدول وتلبية ما يطلبونه من بيانات ووثائق في إطار عمل الأمانات الثلاثة بناء على توجيهات نائب الأمين العام.

    8. متابعة أعداد موازنات الإدارات والأمانات الثلاثة التي يُشرف عليها السيد النائب.

    9.إعداد الملفات اللوجيستية الخاصة بمهمات السيد النائب الذي يكلف بها من قِبَل السيد الأمين العام بالتنسيق مع إدارة المراسم ومكتب الأمين العام.

    10.تنظيم وحفظ المذكرات والملفات والإشراف على سكرتارية مكتب نائب الأمين العام.

    11.الإشراف على استلام البريد وعرضه على السيد نائب الأمين العام ومتابعة تنفيذ توجيهات نائب الأمين العام بشأنها.​

    مهام سكرتارية مكتب نائب الأمين العام:​

    1. إعداد نشرة صحفية خاصة بأخبار نائب الأمين العام و الأخبار العالمية و العربية باللغتين العربية و الفرنسية و ترجمة الوثائق التى يكلفها بها النائب.
    2.  تحديد مواعيد مقابلات نائب الأمين العام، بالتنسيق مع مكتب الأمين العام  وإدارة المراسم  والإدارات المعنية و القيام بالترتيبات مع إدارة المراسم وإدارة المؤتمرات والإدارات الأخرى المعنية لوضع جدول زمنى لنشاط النائب ومهامه في الخارج.
    3. تنظيم المقابلات الصحفية الخاصة بنائب الأمين العام.


    1. Developing an annual action plan in the field of coordination and follow-up in line with the strategic objectives of the sector.

    2. Providing technical support to the sector and its departments in the fields of planning, implementation, follow-up and evaluation.

    3. Preparing reports and recommendations for the Assistant Secretary-General to ensure the objectives and programmes of the sector are implemented.

    4. Carrying out any other tasks assigned by the head of the sector.

  • Acting as the Economic Commission Technical Secretariat of the Economic and Social Council and the Arab League Council, and representing the operational arm of the Secretariat of the Economic and Social Council, as well as the Secretariat of the Arab League Council Affairs.

    Cooperating with some of the Political Affairs Sector's departments, e.g. the Africa and Arab-African Cooperation, the Americas and the International Organizations departments, as well as the departments of the Economic Affairs Sector in preparation for the following:

    The Economic and Social Council,

    The Council of the League of Arab States at Ministerial Level,

    The Council of the League of Arab States at Summit Level,

    The Committee on Implementation Follow-up of Resolutions,

    The Arab Economic and Social Development Summit,

    The Arab-South American Summit,

    The Arab-Africa Summit,

    The Organization of Islamic Cooperation,

    Meeting of General Cooperation with the United Nations,

    The Economic Commission for Africa,

    Joint Arab Enterprises,

    Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem Funds,

    Meetings of the Board of Governors of the Central Bank,

    The Arab Economic Policy Development Forum established by the Economic and Social Council resolution 2049 of the 95th Ordinary on

    19th February 2015),

    Focal point of the Initiative of HH Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of the State of Kuwait concerning the provision of the necessary financial resources to support and finance small and medium private sector enterprises in the Arab world.

    Preparing the present documents through continued coordination with relevant departments:

    The Secretary-General’s report, explanatory notes, reports of ministerial councils and committees, draft resolutions, Secretary General’s report on joint Arab action and follow up on the implementation of resolutions.

    Coordinating and cooperating with all Departments to ensure non-duplication in relevant topics.

    Coordination of various economic topics.

  • Coordination and Follow up Unit shall assume the following:

    1- Developing an annual plan for coordination and follow- up in consistent with the strategic objectives of the Sector.

    2-Providing technical support to the Sector's departments in the areas of planning, implementation , follow -up and assessment.

    3-Preparing the necessary reports of the Assistant Secretary General with the appropriate recommendations to ensure achieving the objectives and programs of the Sector.

    4-Any other mandates assigned by the Head of the Sector .​

  • Follow up on all education issues related to Palestinian people.

    Coordinate with Arab bodies concerned with the question of Palestine in general and those of the State of Palestine in particular.

    Follow up on all social and health issues related Palestinian people and all aspects of the question of Palestine in the United Nations.

    Follow up on all issues relevant to Palestinian refugees.


    Follow up on the activities of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and cooperating with it.

    Participate in meetings and seminars held by the UNRWA, in particular, Advisory Commission meetings.

    • Prepare a monthly report on settlement, the Apartheid Wall, practices and violations in the occupied Palestinian territories to be  submitted to Arab States and LAS missions abroad.
    • Follow up and monitor the building of the Apartheid Wall in the occupied territories and its negative and serious implications on the Palestinian people.
    • Follow up on and monitor the conditions of Palestinians in the 1948 territories and the racist practices of the Israeli authorities against them.
    • Follow up on and monitor the forced displacement enforced by the Israeli government against Palestinians and seizing their properties and homes and making reports thereon.
    • Daily follow up and monitor all Israeli administration affairs and the political developments through press, Internet and prepare reports thereon.
    • Follow up and monitor Israel's relations worldwide, and its orientations, repercussions and implications on the Palestinian conditions and the Arab world.
    • Follow up on Israeli journalists and writers and prepare a weekly report of the most important analyses to be submitted to the Arab League's Permanent Delegations and missions abroad.
    • Participate in the preparation of the two sessions of the Educational Programmes Committee for Arab students in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • Follow up on the Arab boycott of Israel and the most important developments concerning the spread of boycott globally and prepare reports in this regard.
    • Participate in conferences organized by the Arab Central Office for Boycott of Israel.
    • Participate in preparation of memos to be submitted to the Council of the League of Arab States at Summit and Ministerial levels and implement all summit and ministerial resolutions related to the department.
    • Follow up on the Israeli press, and translate the most important analyses for circulation to delegations and missions abroad.
    • Participate in preparation of presentation notes and draft resolutions of  the Council of the League of Arab States.
    • Monitor the Israeli foreign policy and prepare reports on all political, social, economic and security developments and provide reports thereof.
    • Follow up on developments of Jewish immigration to Israel as well as counter-migration.
    • Monitor and provide reports on the situation of the 1948 Arab and monitor all Israeli practices perpetrated against them.​​
    • Follow up and provide reports on Israeli settlements and the construction of the apartheid wall and monitor and report on all Israeli practices and violations in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • In implementation of resolutions adopted by the Arab League Council, the department prepares a monthly report on settlement in the occupied west Bank to circulated to Arab States.
    • Follow up the Central Bureau for the Boycott of Israel, participate in the conferences organized by the Office, and follow up and report on the boycott of Israel around the world.
  • Coordination and Follow up Unit undertakes the following tasks:

    • Developing an annual coordination and follow up plan of action consistent with the strategic objectives of the Sector.

    • Providing technical support in areas of planing, implementation, follow-up and assessment.

    • Preparation of reports necessary to the Assistant Secretary-General with the appropriate recommendations to ensure achievement of the Sector's objectives and programmes.

    • Any other tasks assigned by the Head of the Sector.

  • ​​North Africa Department undertakes the following:

    1. Follow-up on the political, economic and social developments in concerned countries.

    2. Preparation of political reports on the latest developments of the concerned Arab countries.

    3. Preparation of explanatory notes and follow-up reports of the implementation of the resolutions adopted by the Arab League Council at summit, ministerial and permanent delegates level, concerning any country included on the agenda of the Council. 

    4.Contribute to proposing and drafting resolutions and statements issued by the Council of the League of Arab States at all Levels.

    5. Implementation of all tasks of the Department assigned by the Secretary-General on issues relevant to countries of concern.

      1. ​Preparing and participating in the meetings of the regular sessions of the General Assembly held annually in September and following up on developments in United Nations reform and preparing reports on the subject.
      2. Preparing the necessary documents to participate in the high-level meetings held by the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the Security Council.
      3. Carrying out the mission of being the point of contact between the League of Arab States and the United Nations.
      4. Preparing and coordinating the two meetings of general cooperation and sectoral cooperation held every two years.
      5. Taking the necessary measures towards coordinating the nominations of Arab and foreign countries for UN positions and including them on the agenda of the regular sessions of the League Council at the ministerial level.
      6. Writing and publishing the annual book on the United Nations and its specialized agencies to help Arab countries enhance their representation in the United Nations.
      7. Follow up on the declarations of some international political organizations and movements, such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, regarding Arab affairs and coordination with these organizations on issues of mutual interest, in addition to participating in the summits of foreign ministers of these organizations and cementing cooperation with them.
      8. Activating the cooperation agreement between the League of Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, including the high-level joint committee that was formed as a result of the agreement.

    • Developing and implementing a communication strategy that contain multiple communication methodologies in all activities, aiming to enhance the  image and goals of the Arab League at regional and international levels. ـــ

    • Implementing a communication and electronic media plan of action through the League of Arab States' website and modern applications such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, e-mail, as well as the online radio and television, to ensure the delivery of information promptly to stakeholders, and for further interaction between the League of Arab States and the entire world. 

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