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  • Aboul Gheit receives Lord Tariq Ahmed, British Minister of State for Middle East and North Africa; stresses: Absence of a political horizon will impede efforts for stability in Gaza
    التاريخ: 2024/03/28

    Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, welcomed Lord Tariq Ahmed, British Minister of State for the Middle East and North Africa, at the headquarters of the General Secretariat on 28 March.

    Gamal Roshdy, the spokesman for the Secretary-General, stated that the meeting centred on addressing the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Mr. Aboul Gheit expressed gratitude for Britain's supportive vote on the recent Security Council resolution advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza. He emphasised the urgent need for the resolution's implementation on the ground to halt the Israeli military campaign entirely. Additionally, Mr. Aboul Gheit underscored the critical necessity of immediate humanitarian aid access to Gaza to alleviate the dire humanitarian crisis and famine affecting the populace.

    Furthermore, Mr. Aboul Gheit highlighted the significance of unified diplomatic endeavours post-military cessation to capitalise on the United Nations Security Council's resolution, aiming at achieving stability and outlining a political pathway towards the establishment of a Palestinian state. He stressed that broadening the spectrum of recognition during the international recognition of the State of Palestine would lay a solid foundation for the settlement process. Mr. Aboul Gheit urged Britain to take decisive steps in recognising the Palestinian state as a pivotal move towards realising peace through a two-state solution.
    Roshdy conveyed that the British minister concurred with the Secretary-General on the critical importance of enacting the Security Council resolution advocating for a ceasefire and stressed the indispensable nature of delivering aid via land routes, a mode that cannot be adequately replaced by sea or air transport.

    The spokesman confirmed that both the Secretary-General of the League and the British Minister delved into extensive discussions regarding the future of the Gaza Strip within the broader context of implementing the two-state solution. Mr. Aboul Gheit underscored that the absence of a political horizon for the Palestinians poses a significant obstacle to any constructive efforts towards reconstruction or the restoration of tranquility, emphasising that the Palestinian cause is fundamentally political in nature.

    Furthermore, on another front, the two parties extensively discussed the latest developments in the situation in Libya. The British Minister expressed appreciation for the vital role played by the League of Arab States in Libya as a crucial partner and advocate for stability in the country. He also commended the recent meeting convened under the auspices of the League, aimed at bridging divergent viewpoints among Libyan parties and resolving contentious issues.

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