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  • Aboul Gheit urgently calls for doubling funding and investments to alleviate the Arab food crisis
    التاريخ: 2023/09/26

    Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, inaugurated the Arab ministerial meeting at the General Secretariat's headquarters on 26 September. The meeting was held to discuss "Arab food security and financing" and was attended by Arab agricultural ministers, representatives from financial institutions, unions, and the private sector.

    Gamal Roshdy, the official spokesperson for the Secretary-General, said that during his address, Mr. Aboul Gheit underscored the vital role of food security as an integral component of Arab national security. He highlighted the challenges faced by the region, noting that recent events have intensified Arab governments' interest in this issue. The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the risks associated with depending on global supply chains, and the aftermath of the conflict in Ukraine emphasised the need to prepare for potential disruptions in imports, particularly of essential grains.

    Mr. Aboul Gheit also provided an overview of the League of Arab States' efforts to bolster Arab food security. These efforts have resulted in the development of various strategies and plans focused on Arab food security, with the most recent being integrated into the outcomes of the 2022 Algiers Summit.

    The official spokesman stated that during his speech, Mr. Aboul Gheit emphasised the critical hurdle of insufficient funding hindering the implementation of these Arab plans and strategies.

    Furthermore, the Secretary-General cautioned about the growing food gap, which is currently estimated to exceed 100 million tons of food products. This predicament results from a confluence of intricate factors, including the burgeoning population of the Arab world, diminishing rainfall rates across the region due to climate change, and various other contributing factors.

    In response to these challenges facing Arab food security, Mr. Aboul Gheit urged prompt action. He advocated for the activation of an Arab financing mechanism designed to ensure a consistent flow of capital and stimulate investment in sustainable projects. These projects aim to enhance Arab capabilities in areas such as clean energy and smart, sustainable agriculture. Additionally, he underscored the importance of Arab nations leveraging ongoing discussions on reforming the global financial system. This would enable them to seek reforms that facilitate access to the necessary financial resources and soft loans directed at strengthening their capacities in the production of essential food commodities and their associated inputs.

    Mr. Aboul Gheit also referred to his proposal to initiate a regular Arab Food Security Week, with a strong focus on financing due to its paramount importance.

    Moreover, the Secretary-General called for intensified cooperation in the realm of Arab food security through supporting specialised Arab organisations operating in this domain.

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