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  • Aboul Gheit receives Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International, and Energy Studies
    Date: 25/02/2024

    Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, received Dr. Sheikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International, and Energy Studies “Derasat,” along with Ambassador Fawzia bint Abdullah Zainal, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Bahrain at the League of Arab States. The meeting took place at the General Secretariat on 25 February and encompassed discussions on various issues of mutual interest between the two parties.

    Gamal Roshdy, the spokesman for the Secretary-General, said that Mr. Aboul Gheit extended a warm welcome to Sheikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa at the General Secretariat's headquarters. Mr. Aboul Gheit emphasised the vital role think tanks and studies play in raising awareness and fostering societal growth. He underscored their significant contribution in providing essential information to decision-makers and aiding in the formulation of public policies. From this perspective, the League of Arab States consistently prioritises enhancing cooperative relationships with diverse think tanks for the collective benefit of all Arab countries, whether at the societal or governmental levels.

    The spokesman conveyed that Sheikh Abdullah expressed his delight at the Kingdom of Bahrain hosting the 33rd Arab Summit in May 2024. He also expressed his hope for the Secretary-General’s participation in the seventh annual “Derasat” Forum and the deepening of the partnership with the League of Arab States in the realm of sustainable development. He stressed that security and stability, on one hand, and sustainable development, on the other, are interconnected facets.
    At the conclusion of the meeting, the Secretary-General presided over the signing ceremony of a memorandum of cooperation between the League of Arab States, represented by Ambassador Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General and head of the Office of the Secretary-General, and the Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International, and Energy Studies, represented by Dr. Sheikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The memorandum aims to establish an Arab intellectual hub titled “The Complex of Arab Research Centres for Sustainability and Development,” seeking to advance development endeavours in the Arab region through scientific research, collaboration, and knowledge exchange.

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