• Secretary-General's Cabinet
  • Arab Affairs & National Security
  • International Political Affairs
  • Legal Affairs
  • Economic Affairs
  • Social Affairs
  • Media & Communication
  • Administrative & Finance
  • Financial Auditing
  • Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries
  • Palestine & Occupied Arab Territories
  • Deputy Secretary-General
<September 2024>
  • Department of Communications & Mail
Missions - Targets
  • The department is divided into two sections, each in charge of the following tasks:

    The Documents, Archives, and Central Archives Section, which:

    Ratifies the treaties, agreements, documents, minutes of deposits and contracts, their numbering, registration, documentation and electronic saving.

    Continuously updates the means of saving, taking into account the political and historical value of the League of Arab States' documents, and organising them according to the needs of the General Secretariat and member states.

    Supervises the restoration of historical documents and saves them in a scientific fashion.

    Records administrative decisions and circulars in their digital and printed forms.

    Ratifies the documents and papers issued by the League of Arab States and its organisations, educational institutions and universities after verifying their authenticity and the validity of signatures.

    Conducts technical supervision of the General Secretariat's electronic archive by assisting the various internal sectors in organising their files and automating them via the internal network, and ensures a quick and easy access to the information required in those files by the various internal sectors of the General Secretariat.

    Supervises the central index of the General Secretariat's files.

    Organises the circulation of e-mails between the sections of the General Secretariat and external entities. 

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