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  • Arab Affairs & National Security
  • International Political Affairs
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  • Administrative & Finance
  • Financial Auditing
  • Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries
  • Palestine & Occupied Arab Territories
  • Deputy Secretary-General
<April 2024>
  • Department of Statistics & Information Systems
Missions - Targets
  • Assumes responsibilities of the Permanent Technical Committee for Statistic and its subcommittees:

    Subcommittee on Population and Social Statistics

    Subcommittee on Economic Statistics

    Subcommittee on National Accounts

    Subcommittee on Arab Statistical Capacity Building

    Statistical Coordination Committee between the Secretariat General and specialized Arab Organizations.

    In addition to the working groups and other subcommittees formed upon recommendations of the Permanent Technical Committee for Statistic and approval of the Economic and Social Council.

    Implementing the statistical commitments pursuant to Arab Summit resolutions, Arab Ministerial Councils and various committees formed thereof.

    Issuing statistical bulletins, building on the national sources, that reflect the Arab economic and social reality and objectives of the joint Arab action.

    Establishing database and statistics on various economic and social sectors in the Arab States and follow up on their update, maintenance and management.

    Providing the necessary data and statistics required for the studies, research and working papers by which the Secretariat General participates in the Arab, regional and international conferences and forums.

    Standardizing the statistical terminology, definitions and concepts used in the Arab States.

    Organizing training courses, workshops and statistical seminars to promote the technical capabilities of the statistical Arab cadres and to facilitate the exchange of experiences.

    Acting on the implementation of the scholarships provided to the Arab cadres working at Arab statistical agencies by the League of Arab States.

    Raising the national capabilities of Arab statistical agencies.

    Taking part in the preparation of the statistical appendix of the unified Arab economic report.

    Conducting research and analytical statistic studies that serve joint Arab action and preparing future prospects on Arab economic and social phenomena if necessary.

    Issuing the Arab statistical expertise manual through conducting an updated comprehensive survey to take advantage of such expertise when establishing statistical projects in the Arab region.

    Issuing the annual statistical activity manual of the statistical agencies.

    Working to fulfill the statistical needs of various users concerned with the Arab affairs.

    Seeking to achieve statistical coordination among joint Arab action institutions and specialized Arab organizations through the Statistical Coordination Committee, so as to avoid duplication, redundancy and discrepancies of data, and to reduce burdens on Arab statistical agencies and other national sources of data.

    Preparing the annual budget of the Department.

    Submitting progress and follow-up reports to the Arab Summit , the Economic and Social Council and the Arab League Council.

    Participating in the Economic and Social Council.

    Performing any other assignments entrusted to the Department.

  • ​Enhance cooperation and coordination between Arab statistical institutions and specialized Arab organizations, as well as regional and international agencies in various statistical fields.

    Provide correct, updated and comparable statistical data and information, according to the latest applied methods in this field, and make these information available to all users.

    Strengthen and develop the Arab statistical capacity.

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