• Secretary-General's Cabinet
  • Arab Affairs & National Security
  • International Political Affairs
  • Legal Affairs
  • Economic Affairs
  • Social Affairs
  • Media & Communication
  • Administrative & Finance
  • Financial Auditing
  • Arab Fund for Technical Assistance to African Countries
  • Palestine & Occupied Arab Territories
  • Deputy Secretary-General
<September 2024>
  • Department of Centres & Missions Affairs
Missions - Targets
    • Follow-up on the work of the Arab League missions and centres abroad through their correspondence and reports received by the Department covering the political, economic, media and cultural issues in their respective  countries, particularly those affecting our Arab region.

    • Monitoring the activities of all missions abroad regularly through their correspondence and reports, their communication with the political, economic and cultural institutions and organs, as well as with the Arab communities in their residing countries.

    • Issuing a monthly bulletin containing summarized information on all correspondence received from the missions, for distribution to relevant sectors and departments in the Secretariat General and missions, centres and bureaus abroad and posting on the League's website.

    • Preparing an annual comprehensive report on the most important events and issues in our Arab region covered by missions, including the analytical side of these events, observations and proposals in that regard.

    • Implementing objectives of the Arab media plan abroad, endorsed by the Arab Ministers of Information, in cooperation with the centres and missions,   strengthening cooperation with peace-seeking peoples. Publicizing the justice of Arab Issues, in particular the question of liberation of Palestine and occupied Arab territories, and exposing the colonial policy of the Zionist occupation.

    • Urging the centres and missions to adopt informational methodology, e.g., lecturing, radio broadcasting, holding scientific and press conferences, newsletters, bulletins and personal direct and indirect communication.

    • Cooperating with the Administrative and Financial Affairs Sector in all matters concerning missions of the Arab League, in terms of administrative and substantive procedures and periodic evaluation thereof.

  • Coordinating with the Arab League missions and centres abroad in the political and media fields, enhancing their communication with the economic, social and cultural institutions, civil society organizations, as well as the Arab communities, with a view to strengthening Arab relations with those countries, serving Arab Joint interests and issues and achieving the goals and purposes of the League of Arab States. 

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